
PHP Date Time Format Generator

Have you always struggled to remember the PHP equivalent for the Date, Month, Year and Time representations? Have you ever found it frustrating to make mistakes when you need a specific Date/Time format? If yes, then all your frustrations end right now. In this article, I am going to share a tool that will help you generate Time and Date formats in PHP very easily for Free, just at the click of buttons. You can also use it as a Date Format Generator and Time Format Generator. Read on to find out more.

What is PHP Date Time Format Generator (PDTFG)?

It is a Free, online tool that will help PHP Developers generate Date formats and Time formats, either individually or both combined.

Why to use PHP Date Time Format Generator?

The reason is very simple. It’s not possible for each and everyone to remember all the format characters that are used to format a local date/time. In order to make you understand this, let me ask you a question (assuming you are a PHP developer). What would be PHP equivalent code for the today’s date and current time format?

March 28, 2013 1:01 PM

Well, it’s tough to answer it, isn’t it? I am a PHP Developer myself, but I can’t get all the details right in a single go. So I find it frustrating and time consuming to refer to the PHP.net manual to get the format correctly. That’s exactly the reason why I built the “PHP Date Time Format Generator”. Now it’s a piece of cake to get the format for the above question. Simply head over to PHP Date Time Format Generator and get it’s value by simply clicking the appropriate buttons. It’s the most easiest way you can ever find to automatically generate the Time and Date formats in PHP.

BTW, the Date TIme format for the above question is:

date(‘F d, Y g:i A’);

Do you know what I did to get the above answer? I did not have to rack my brains. Instead, I went to PHP Date Time Format Generator and clicked few buttons and viola! I instantly generated my answer! I did not have to spend 15 minutes just to figure out what it should be.

What makes PHP Date Time Format Generator even more special?

The beauty of it is that you are not restricted to a single format. You also have quite a good range of separators to choose from. For example, in the above question that I asked you few moments ago, notice that I have used the following separators:

Space, Comma, Space, Space, Colon, Space

In fact, PDTFG has 5 separators that you can choose from, namely: Hyphen, Comma, Colon, Slash and Space.

Apart from the above, different formats are supported for the “Day”, “Month”, “Year” and “Time” entities. Simply click on the buttons to generate a format of your choice.

How to use  PHP Date Time Format Generator?

It is very easy. Simply visit PHP Date Time Format Generator. Go to the “Get Started Here- Build it Yourself” section. Start clicking on the buttons that indicate the format you wish to use. Once you click on the button, two things happen:

1. The “Date Format” box will show the format that you have chosen.

2. Right underneath the “Date Format” box, the “PHP Code” will be populated with the PHP code for the format that you have chosen. This will be the final PHP code that you would need to copy and paste in your own website to use it.

Do NOT enter anything manually int the “Date Format” box or the “PHP Code” box. If you wish to test whether the final code that has been generated meets your requirements or not, simply click the “Run PHP Code” button. That will run the PHP code that has been generated and it will show you the current Time and Date in the format you have chosen.


Few samples are also provided that you can use to begin with to get an understanding of how things work. Just click on any of the Sample buttons and click on the “Run PHP Code” button. You will see that it gives you the output in real time.


If you are a PHP developer who finds it really annoying to deal with the character formats of PHP just to denote the Time and Date formats of your choice, you will find PHP Date Time Format Generator to be immensely helpful. And it’s totally free to use. So what are you waiting for? Visit PHP Date Time Format Generator and try it out today!

Your Turn!

What do you think of our PHP Date Time Format Generator? Do you find it useful? Do you have any suggestions or ideas that would help us improve it for you? Feel free to share your thoughts by commenting below.l

One Comment on PHP Date Time Format Generator

  1. 1

    I’m starting to learn PHP, so I’m looking for articles like this, practical, to be learning. Thank you.

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