In the process of PSD to HTML conversion, we hand code any type of design file into error free, high quality HTML/CSS markup. The design file format could be PSD or PNG format. We use clean and standard compliant code thereby ensuring the standards and cross browser compatibility. We also ensure that the code is Search Engine Optimized and loads fast with emphasis on accessibility.
Idea to Reality - Have an idea or a representation of an website in the form of a PSD or an image? We slice the PSD and create a website out of the same.
Pixel perfect implementation - Our development ensure that the final product matches pixel perfect with your design.
Blazing fast speed - The code written for the website is assured to boost the website speed to a blazing new level, thus providing a faster browsing experience.
Get more traffic - Our high quality, standards-compliant code is bound to provide an excellent user experience and drive more traffic to your website.
Search Engine Optimized - The resultant code is search engine optimized and this helps in search engines indexing your website very well and in reaching out to more audience.