Disable Comments For A Single Post Or Page in WordPress
If you use WordPress as a blog or as a website, then you may have come across a situation where you needed to disable comments for a specific post or for a specific page. But do you see an option to do so in the Edit Post/Page screen? No! Then how would you disable the comments specifically for only the post(s) and page(s) you desire? Well, in this article, I am going to show you how to do this in 3 simple and easy steps. Follow along for more info.
How to disable comments on certain Posts and Pages?
It’s very easy to do so. And I will show you how to do this for both posts and pages. Let’s assume that you are logged into your WordPress website as Admin and let’s get started.
Disabling comments for a specific Post:
1. Click on “All Posts” link under the “Posts” menu in Left Hand navigation.
2. Scroll to the Post that you wish to disable the comments upon and hover over the title. You will see the following options: Edit | Quick Edit | Trash | View. Click on “Quick Edit“.
3. Now you will see the Quick Edit box with basically three columns in it. Notice that in the third column, under the “Tags” textarea, there is a checkbox that says “Allow Comments”. This is selected by default. Simply uncheck it and click on the “Update” button.
That’s it! You are done!
Disabling comments for a specific Page:
1. Click on “All Pages” link under the Pages” menu in Left Hand navigation.
2. Scroll to the Page that you wish to disable the comments upon and hover over the title. You will see the same options as you see when you hover over a Post title i.e. Edit | Quick Edit | Trash | View. Click on “Quick Edit“.
3. Now you will see the Quick Edit box with basically two columns in it. Notice that in the second column, under the “Template” dropdown, there is a checkbox that says “Allow Comments”. This is selected by default. Simply uncheck it and click on the “Update” button.
That’s all you need to achieve your objective!
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