Category Archive for: "Tips and Tricks"

  1. Snippets

    Remove link From Register/Login Pages

    If you have noticed, by default the links/logo point to wordpress site in Register/Login pages or in some of the default WordPress themes. Did you ever wonder how can remove link? If yes, then the following snippet of code can help you.

  2. Snippets

    WordPress: Display Blogroll without default heading

    Did you ever want to make WordPress display Blogroll without default heading but could not find a way to do this? Here’s a little snippet that you can copy and paste in your theme to instantly generate a Blogroll without the default heading.

  3. Tips and Tricks

    WordPress Center Images – 1 line solution without plugin

    While working with WordPress post editor in Admin Panel, you may have noticed that even after you have selected an image and clicked on “Align Center” button, the image does not appear centered when the post is viewed i.e. the WordPress Center Images function does not worry correctly on front end.   The image shows up […]

  4. Tips and Tricks

    WordPress line break – 1 line solution without plugin

    While working with WordPress in Admin Panel, you may have noticed that when you Update/Save the post once you are done entering the Post, WordPress automatically strips out extra line break / paragraph break otherwise commonly known as “WordPress line break problem“.