30 Top SEO Blogging Tips To Sky Rocket Blog Ranking In Search Engines
Have you been worried about Search Engine Optimizing your blog? Do you wish to optimize your blog and increase it’s visibility and ranking in search engines? Are you looking for SEO tips for blogger? Then this article is perfect for you. In this article, I am going to share 30 Top SEO Blogging Tips that can be really effective in promoting your blog in search engines, if you follow them. So what are you waiting for? Read on to find out more and raise your blog to the next highest level!
So here are the Top SEO Blogging Tips
Tip # 1 – Start a Blog
This is the first of the many SEO Optimization tips for blogger. Let’s say you have a website. You might be thinking “I don’t need anything else to become popular!”. Well, if you have thought so, then you are wrong! Long gone are the days when someone relied solely upon their website for getting popular. With the introduction of new blogging platforms such as WordPress, Blogger, etc. it’s now very useful and smart move to start a blog.
I use WordPress and I find it very easy to blog using it. So if you would like to start using WordPress, then you can get started by visiting the official website. If you would like to download it to set it up on your website, you can visit the download page.
If you would like to start reading about WordPress from scratch, in easy to understand way, read our article on What is WordPress? Why WordPress is used? How to use WordPress?
How does this affect SEO:
I cannot over emphasize the importance of a blog when it comes to succeeding with the search engines. Your website can only have so much content and it will be toned to describe the product that you are promoting/selling and you would want to keep the best content out there. That part is taken care of.
A blog provides you an excellent opportunity to be able to voice your opinions in the manner you want. You are free to add as much content as you want, whatever content you want and whenever you want. And whenever you publish a new article, the search engines are notified and the search engine bots will be sent to your website to crawl your content and index your pages. Hence it is very essential that you start a blog. This is your first step towards successful SEO.
Tip # 2 – Unique, Quality and SEO Friendly content
In the previous point, I did mention that you can write whatever content you want & as much as you want. When I say “whatever content” I mean “unique and quality content”. There are tons of articles available on the internet today. So why would anyone want to read yours? Well, the fact remains that all those articles are not written by the same person. That’s the first reason.
The second reason is that there are different people writing different articles on the very same topic. The difference lies in understanding of the things, their perception, their current feelings (at the time they write the article) and the future vision about the crux of the article. All these add up and make up a “unique” article and hence people like to read them. So unless all the articles are written by the same author, people would like to read them because of its uniqueness and it’s voice.
My Proof on this:
You must have read many similar articles on different websites. So you will be able to understand this better. Say, a website “A” published an article on “How to save 15% or more on car insurance”. People are interested in reading this article and they are reading it. Now website “B” publishes an article on the same topic. Even though people have read the topic already on website “A”, they still go to “B” and read the article. Why? Because of the “uniqueness” of the article and its value.
Website A might be offering tips based upon their own personal experience and the same holds true with website B. While it’s a possibility that some of the tips discussed by website A may match with topic discussed by website B, it’s not necessary that all tips may match. It is for these unmatched tips that people would want to visit and read the content of website B.
If you are still not convinced, try looking at the top blogs in every niche. Are they the only ones existing in their niche? Well, nope! There are other hundreds of other websites publishing their own articles on the same topic. Agreed that other websites may not be as popular as the top blogs, but they are still popular among their readers and continue to flourish. So you won’t see only 1 blog in IT field, only 1 blog in covering car finance, only 1 blog covering health issues, etc. There are hundreds of websites and blogs discussing the same topic. The difference lies in the way the conversations are made & the value each of these conversations provide to the end user.
Ok, coming back, the third reason why people would want to read your article is for its “quality value”. An article that does not contain too many spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes is more likely to look like a “quality” article and suggests to the reader that you have taken extra care to ensure that the article is free of mistakes, to the much possible extent. Minor unnoticed mistakes are ok and not much of deal.
A good command over the language used can also help you write a free flowing article without hiccups, thereby making it easy for you to convey your point to the reader. All these points make up a “quality article”. In other words, if your visitors can get some useful value out of the article that you have written, that article can be called as ” quality content”.
SEO friendly content lead to a dramatic boost in your website visibility in search engines. This means that if you are writing an article on a specific topic, mentioning that topic as many times as possible without sacrificing relevancy will really add value to the article and help your website rank better for the chosen topic.
How does this affect SEO:
The effects of all the above can be dramatic. It could make tons of difference. Search engines have evolved a lot over the years and can easily tell the difference between copied content, an article that just has been copied and revised on certain lines and an original content. This art of copying someone else’s content and passing it as your own for your own benefits is called “Plagiarism”. It’s not only shunned by people, but it is also hated by search engines. Stay away from Plagiarism, write useful original content and you should be good to go. So this would be second SEO tip for blogger.
Remember, a blog is your own personal voice. Do it in your own way. Do not try to copy others. This will help your visibility in search engines.
Tip # 3 – Invest in a good looking Website (if not great looking)
My third SEO tip for a blogger is about the blog/website. Nothing can irritate your website visitor more than an ugly looking website. A website that is out of place, does not sync with the user can really ensure that the visitor never comes back to the website. Your blog may have great quality content, but if the visual appeal is not good enough to make the visitor stay long enough to even finish reading the first paragraph, then even great content is useless. Give the user ample opportunity and drive them to read your entire article by investing in a good looking blog created for your purpose. Make their visit to your blog as comfortable as possible. Focus on their comfort, not yours.
How does this affect SEO:
Although this does not affect ranking in search engines directly, it is very important as it affects the user’s decisions directly, whether to stay on your blog or not. A good looking blog with unique & quality content will definitely outperform an ugly website with great content. A good looking blog is more likely to be shared among users and the much your blog is shared, the much it is favored by search engines and can help boost your blog traffic.
If you are wondering how to get a good looking custom blog designed for your purpose, I can offer my services to you. I am a Web Designer + Web Developer. I have designed & coded this blog that your are currently on, from scratch. So I can create a visually appealing blog design for you. Contact me with your requirements and I will be happy to discuss the details with you.
Tip # 4 – Choose your topic wisely and Focus on it
Choose on what topic you want to start blogging. If you want to blog on “health insurance”. Write as many quality articles as possible on the main topics and sub topics of “health insurance”. For example, some of the topics can be “How to save more than 10% on dental health insurance”. Try to revolve your articles around the key topic and build your blog on it.
How does this affect SEO:
Search engines love quality content and they absolutely love related articles. When you publish such related articles, all of these count towards your domain authority in the specific niche that you have chosen. As such, with every article you post, you will be proving your authority each time. The much users find your articles useful, the much your authority will rise and your website will rank better in search engines. So that’s my fourth Tip for Search Engine Optimization.
Tip # 5 – Keyword research
My next Tip is to do your keyword research before you write an article. A very good & free tool is the Google AdWords tool. This tool will give you an insight into how the keywords are being used and how you can use them and benefit from them. This will also give you an insight into the reach of the keywords used and how a specific keyword is performing. Using this data, you can decide which keywords to use in your article.
How does this affect SEO:
This is exactly how search engines will find your website in their own database when visitors are searching for information. When you write an article based around a keyword, the search engines will compare this keyword with the indexed data that they have of your website and if they determine that your website is a relevant match, it will be shown to the user, when they perform a search. The much relevancy the keyword has to the article that you have written, the much better your article will be ranked. This will help rank your article higher than other articles and higher rank means greater visibility and more clicks.
Tip # 6 – Use Targeted Keywords
If you want to write an article, make sure that you target your keywords right and focus on them. Nothing can be more devastating than thinking of targeting a specific keyword and writing an article that does not have any relevancy to this keyword or an article that satisfies a totally different keyword.
How does this affect SEO:
Again, it’s all about keywords first. Keywords help find your website when users search using those keywords in search engines. The greater the match your article is to the searched keyword, the better is your website’s visibility and ranking. That’s my sixth tip to become a successful blogger.
Tip # 7 – Focus on your target audience
The next Search Engine Optimization Tip talks about focusing on your target audience. Instead of merely writing down as you please, think of your target audience first and focus them. If your website provides health insurance and you want to focus on the benefits of health insurance for senior citizens, then write articles that will help them. For example, in this case of senior citizens, you can write an article that talks about how to get a discount on health renewal for someone who is 60+ years of age. The article title could be something on the lines of: “Are You 60+? Then Save $500 On Your Next Health Insurance Renewal”.
See what I mean? The above article title tells the users instantly that it is applicable for someone who is 60 years or older. That instantly grips the attention of someone who is of that age or older and also tells them the benefit of reading such article.
How does this affect SEO:
If you are really running a health insurance company and you are offering a discount similar to the one that I mentioned above, try it! You will see it works wonders and it reaches only the targeted audience. You have already targeted the search engines with the keyword “health insurance renewal” and your are now narrowing down your audience to someone who is 60+ years of age. This will boost both your search engine visibility and get only highly targeted audience. So that is my seventh tip for a blogger.
Tip # 8 – Write a gripping Title/Headline
One of many Tips for SEO is about writing a article Title that catches attention of the users. Let’s take my example in the earlier point. I mentioned the article title as “Are You 60+? Then Save $500 On Your Next Health Insurance Renewal”. As you can see, it immediately grips the attention of senior citizens at the first glance. Someone who is 20 years of age is unlikely to bother about that article as the number “60” wont’ appeal for a 20 year old person. At the same time, you are mentioning that the senior citizen can save about $500 on next health insurance renewal. That’s good enough of a deal for anyone who wants to save money on health insurance renewal. Such an article title will definitely appeal and increase targeted traffic to your website.
How does this affect SEO:
This is more than just SEO. It offers the benefits of inclusion of targeted keyword in the article title and also filters out unwanted traffic. Additionally, it will lead to increase of visitors that are highly targeted for your offer. It’s a win-win situation.
Tip # 9 – Work on Meta Descriptions & Meta Keywords
Meta Descriptions:
Writing meaningful Meta Description for your article is very essential for your website to show up in search engines. It is the first introduction of your article to the users as this info will be shown as the little snippet to the user. A user will then read this snippet (afte reading the title) and will then decide whether to click on your website link or not. So make sure that you summarize the article in under less than 150 characters. So spend some time on it, think and write the most appealing summary for your article.
Meta Keywords:
Meta Keywords were a hot topic back in the days. Users can write all the keywords they want even without ensuring it’s relevancy. As such, during the recent years, Google changed their approach towards Meta Keywords. In a video, Matt Cutts claimed that Google is not considering Meta Keywords as a basis for ranking your website in Google. This means that its useless to include keywords if you are focusing on getting your website shown up in Google. You might as well leave them blank if Google is the only search engine you want to target.
However there are other search engines like Yahoo Search, Bing, etc. that do consider Meta Keywords for indexing your website. Unlike Google, they do consider Meta Keywords but not as much as they used to do it in the past. So you can include them if you want to consider ranking for websites that actually consider Meta Keywords in ranking the websites.
How does this affect SEO:
Meta Description is really important as it gives a short glimpse of your article to the users. Hence its out utmost important to spend time on writing meaningful and related description for you article.
The importance and value of Meta Keywords has decreased drastically in the recent years. And if you want to make sure that your website gets indexed for Meta Keywords by the search engines that do consider them, sure, by all means go ahead & include the Meta Keywords in their tags. Just make sure that they are highly relevant to the article that you are writing and don’t over stuff the keywords. Or you risk your website getting penalized by search engines on grounds of “keyword stuffing”. So that’s one of my tips for blogger.
Tip # 10 – Lots of Relevant Content
The next Tip is about the content. When you write an article, write lots of relevant content can actually help your visitors to visualize and understand the point you are trying to convey. An article is a good as non-existent if the user can’t make any sense out of it or can’t find value in it. So don’t limit yourself to writing only 10 lines of content, just for the sake of posting an article. If needed, go an extra mile, include relevant examples, references & make the entire article appealing. If that includes adding lots of relevant content, so be it.
How does this affect SEO:
As Search Engines love content, they will love your related content as well and rank you better. Most importantly, your user will find it useful and will consider sharing it with others, thereby increasing the social appeal of your article. This will help you get more traffic from social networks places. That was my tenth blogger tips & tricks.
Tip # 11 – Maintain Clarity in content
Ok so now you have decided to write the content? Great! But how should you present the content? Your main intent should be to focus on providing something that adds to the value of the website and/or as an independent resource and must be helpful to a user. That said, if you writing an article that does not make sense, it’s not use. So try to lay out the key points concisely and maintain clarity. That will help the readers understand your content better. This is one of the most commonly overlooked points, so pay very close attention to it as it is one of the most important SEO Optimization Tips for a blogger.
How does this affect SEO:
Like I mentioned earlier, search engines have evolved over the ages. A content that lacks clarity might look as “spammy” to the Search Engines. So maintain clarity in content in order for the article to appear meaningful, both to users and to search engines.
Tip # 12 – Article length
My next tips & tricks for blogger is based on the article length. What should be the length of your article? Can it be 25 words? Should it be 100 lines? Well, you are the best person to answer that. And you can answer it well if you know what you want to provide the users with.
But to help you get started, here are my suggestions. A decent article would have about atleast 500 words in it (Could vary depending upon what you are posting about and the motive behind it). A good article would have 1000 words in it. That said, don’t go about adding extra content in all the articles in your website to push them to 1000 word limit. If you are able to provide quality value to your users in 500 words, then stick with it. If your article needs more lines to arrive at the conclusion, make the change. 500/1000 words is just a mere guideline to get you started. Don’t worry too much if you have problems coming up with articles that has fewer words. You will develop your blogging skills much more with time, so go with the flow if you are just getting started.
How does this affect SEO:
Article length does not directly affect SEO. You can write a 500 word article or a 1000 word article. It could have the same impact as far the SEO is concerned.
You will notice that this article itself is not limited to 500 words or 1000 words. Simply because I cannot convey my points to you if I focus on the word limit, especially because of the topic that I chose. My intent is to share information with you that is beneficial to you. And hence I had to break out of the words barrier. To me, the crux of the matter is more essential than the number of words used.
Tip # 13 – Optimize article for keywords
The next tip to become successful blogger, is about optimizing your article for keywords. When you write an article, make sure that you are using the targeted keywords at least few times. At the same time, don’t use it too many times. Using keywords too many times can make your article look spammy and search engines can penalize you for this.
So your next question would be: “How many times should I use the keyword then?”. Well, though there is no pre-defined rule as to the number of times, I say using 4 times should be safe and decent enough. This includes using the article in the Article Title and all the article body, up until the conclusion.
How does this affect SEO:
Having keywords in your article is great as it helps search engines find your website. Without the keywords, you risk losing your rank to any other article/website that may have used the very same keyword. So make sure you include those targeted keywords to enhance your website visibility in search engines. This is one of my main tips for blogger, so make sure that you follow it.
Tip # 14 – Consider long tail keywords
“What are long tail keywords?”. This would be your first question if you never knew about it. Long tail keywords are nothing but a variation of your main keyword. Let me give you an example.
Let’s assume that you have a “health insurance” website. Now you want to write an article on “health insurance”. The long tail keywords in this could include:
- health insurance quote
- health insurance benefits
- health insurance discounts for senior citizens
So while you are working on adding keywords, consider adding long tail keywords to it. Don’t force yourself to add long tail keywords if you don’t have any or can’t find a use for it in relation to the main article. It’s good to have them but not mandatory to write an article. Forcing yourself to include unrelated long tail keywords would make the article look out of place to your visitors and can look spammy to search engines.
How does this affect SEO:
Long Tail Keywords can provide greater visibility in search engines as long as they are related to the main article and provide value to users. That concludes my one of my tips for blogger.
Tip # 15 – Add Images, Illustrations, etc.
The next SEO Optimization Tip may sound silly but it really works! It’s all about using Images & Illustrations in your article. If you find an appropriate use for images or if you can explain the motive behind your article by using relevant images, illustrations, etc. go for it. When you use them, make sure you specify the “alt” information so that its accessible to screen readers and to your visitors. The “alt” attribute of an image will describe the image and hence can be used to provide additional value to users.
For example, while posting an article about health insurance, you can include an image of a first aid kit, or a stethoscope and describe in 5-8 words about the paragraph that you are writing about. That will help boost your search engine visibility.
How does this affect SEO:
Including relevant images and describing your content in few words can help increase search engine ranking. So that’s the end of 15th blogger tips & tricks.
When you add images to your website, make sure that you are the owner of such images. If you are not, make sure that you get the permission of the owners explicitly or it could be categorized as Plagiarism. If using an image requires you to link back to the source or the creator of the image, make sure you do it either immediately at the end of the paragraph (best method) or towards the end of the article. If using an image requires you to purchase it to get the rights for it, make sure you do that. You don’t want to get into legal trouble for using someone else’s images, etc. without their permission. Rather have an article without images than an article with images that you don’t have permission to use.
Tip # 16 – Backlinks – Link back to yourself, Link back to others
When writing an article, you may often find yourself referencing a different article on your website or an article on a totally different website. You may find those articles to be offering much more details information on a specific subject. In such cases, it would be worth to provide a link to that article, in the article that you are writing so that readers can click on that link to visit that website and read more info on that topic.
There are basically two types of linking. Internal Linking and Outbound Linking
Internal Linking: If you are linking to other articles of your own website, from a page on your website, this is called Internal Linking.
Outbound Linking: If you are linking to other articles of a totally different website than the one you are publishing an article on, this is called Outbound Linking. Note that in Outbound linking, you may or may not be the owner of the external website. So say you have 2 websites A & B. You own them both. Your friend owns a website C. You are publishing an article on A. You can now link to an article on B & C. Both will count towards Outbound Linking and are perfectly valid ways of providing linkback
Now you might ask: “Wouldn’t that send readers away from my website if I link to other’s websites?”. Well no, not necessarily. You can simply link to that website and provide “target” attribute in the hyperlink with a value of “_blank”. That will open the related website in a new tab/window. In this way, your visitor will still be on your website and will have the option of choosing to read the information on the other website or close it out.
On the other hand, when people find out that you are linking back to them, they will be more inclined to provide a link back to you. I would say don’t worry too much about getting backlinks from others and don’t force others to backlink to you, either by hook or by crook. What really matters is that you are trying to provide additional information to your visitors for their benefit. You are the “good guy” in their eyes because you are benefitting them with more info than they would have actually have, had you skipped on including that URL. So a linkback may not mean a lot to you, but it can make a difference to your visitors. So stop worrying about it too much and provide a linkback as needed.
How does this affect SEO:
Linkbacks are excellent for SEO. Most of the websites on internet, run on the basis of linkback . You like some article, you take an excerpt from it and provide reference to it in the form of a linkback. Someone reads your article, likes it, takes an excerpt from it, adds it to their own website & provides a link back to you. This way, what goes around, comes around. This will definitely increase your website popularity in search engines. That concludes the 16th Search Engine Optimization tips for blogger.
Tip # 17 – Use SEO Tools to optimize your blog posts
This tip could be immensely useful, if you are new to the world of blogging. This could reveal all those hidden spots in your article that you can fill up to reap the benefits of. The SEO tools can differ based upon your choice of the blogging platform.
As I use WordPress for blogging, I am going to share my choice of SEO tool with you. I have been using only a single tool since the day one of my blogging. It’s called: “WordPress SEO by Yoast“. It’s a WordPress plugin created by an awesome guy by name “Joost de Valk”. Joost is widely known and respected for his work. His plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast has over 3.7+ Million downloads as of today. I highly suggest you use this plugin if you want to do get started very easily. I personally never experienced a problem with his plugin & I suggest you try it out too.
How does this affect SEO:
SEO Tools can really benefit your websites and improve their visibility in the search engines by many-fold if you know what you are doing. Usually SEO tools have their own guide and implementations procedures, so make sure that you take time to read their manuals, guides, etc. understand them & use it for your benefit.
Tip # 18 – Permalinks / URLS
When you are done writing an article when you want to post them for the entire world to read, stop for a moment. Think about the URL that the visitors will need to visit in order to read the article. This URL is nothing but the “Permalinks”. Permalinks is an abbreviation for “Permanent Links” as it helps users reach the article using this link.
That said, ask yourself a question. Does the URL provide any meaning to the article that I am writing? Does it describe what the article is about? Is it in human readable form? If yes, then you are good to go & you can Publish your article. If not, then it’s time to tweak the Permalink settings.
If you are using WordPress for your blogging, then navigate through the following menu in the Admin panel of your WordPress blog: Settings > Permalinks. On this page, if you have the “Default” radio button selected under “Common Settings” option, go ahead and click the radio button that is next to “Post name” and click on “Save Changes” button. So when you post the article, the URL will be in human readable form.
How does this affect SEO:
Human readable Permalinks are great way for search engines to find your website. They will make your website rank higher in search engines and will increase visibility. Without human readable permalinks, the visibility factor will decrease. So I strongly suggest you look for such option in whatever blogging platform you choose and thereby make the permalinks human readable. Many users don’t know about this tip at all! So know that you know, make sure to work on it before you publish your first article.
Tip # 19 – Use Social Sharing
The value and importance of this SEO Optimization Tip is undeniable! This is one more area that I cannot over emphasize the importance of. Nowadays it has become a lot more common to see at least 3 social share icons on each article. They are “Facebook Like”, “Twitter Tweet” and “Google +1” buttons. There are other buttons such as “Pinterest Pin”, etc. but these three are the most generally used buttons.
Social sharing enhances the reach of your article and it helps covers more audience. An article that goes viral can reach hundreds, thousands or even millions of users in very short time. Hence it is very important to enable social sharing on your website.
How does this affect SEO:
Nowadays, search engines have become smart enough to differentiate between popular content that is widely read, shared and unpopular content. A shared content/article over the social networks will get more preference over an article that is not shared. Such a shared article will rank high in search engines.
Tip # 20 – Optimize blog for performance
My next SEO Optimiztion Tip is for you to Optimize your blog for increased performance. A site that is optimized and loads fast will be much appreciated by the users. There are different tools available depending upon the blogging platform you choose.
As I use WordPress, I will share the plugin that I use to optimize my blog. I use “WP Super Cache” to improve performance of my blog. The creator of this plugin is “Donncha O Caoimh”. It helps me optimize my blog by caching the commonly used files. This way, my users don’t have to wait for all the files to load each time they access a page on my website. This increases the overall speed of my blog and makes my users happy 🙂
How does this affect SEO:
A fast loading website is given priority by Google. So an optimized, fast loading website will most likely rank high in search engines.
Tip # 21 – Use signature in blog and emails
When you use signature in your blog at the of your article or in your emails that you send, it counts towards link building and the much link backs you have, the much better your website will rank. This is a very simple tip that you can practically put into use in just few minutes.
How does this affect SEO:
This has a positive effect on SEO. It helps increase exposure to your blog and thereby provides additional chances to increase your website’s popularity and can lead to increase in overall placement in search engines.
Tip # 22 – Use pinging services
“What is pinging?”. You may ask that. Simply put, blog Pinging is nothing but a way of notifying a server that a blog’s content has been updated.
Different blogging platforms do it differently. Because I use WordPress, I know that WordPress has an internal pinging system and whenever an author publishes a new post or updates an existing post, it pings the servers. These “pings” serve the purpose of a notice. When the servers receive such notices they send out their bots to visit the blog that pinged them, to crawl the blog and index them.
How does this affect SEO:
Pinging is a great and fastest way to notify the servers that your blog has new content. That way, search engine bots will visit your blog soon, crawl and index your website faster. Pinging will increase search engine exposure.
One important thing for you to remember is that excessive pinging in short intervals of time can get your website banned from ping services. Lately, the ping system has been abused and now the servers have decided to ban blogs/websites that ping excessively within a short amount of time or within reasonable limits. So make sure that you use this system with caution.
Tip # 23 – Provide RSS Feeds
Provide RSS Feeds to your users so that users can subscribe without having to visit your website, each time you publish new content.
If you wish to learn more about what RSS Feeds are, how they work, read our article on “What are RSS Feeds? Why to use RSS Feeds? How to use RSS Feeds?”
How does this affect SEO:
In my opinion, this does not affect SEO. This is more of a use for your readers to stay in touch with your website and become a regular reader.
Tip # 24 – Submit to Web Directories
This blog Optimization Tip for SEO requires that you actively submit your blog/website to Web Directories. There are tons of web directories out there. Submit your website to them to get more back links. While I don’t suggest that you submit them to each and every web directory that you come across, I suggest you do it to only few such as Dmoz, Web-Directories Inclusion of your website in such directories will help leverage the effectiveness and reach of your website.
How does this affect SEO:
Inclusion in Web Directories is known to increase the exposure to your website. Usually the web directories, such as the ones I listed above, are known to exist from a long time and hence a link from them counts a lot. This will boost your visibility in search engine rankings.
Tip # 25 – Respond to Visitor’s Questions and Comments
Unlike the search bots, your blog readers are actual human beings. When they read an article on your website, they may possibly have different questions on the discussed topic. As such they may even leave their question in the form of a comment and may want to return back at a later time, to read your response. So providing answers and indulging in conversations with your blog users will really help build your relation with them.
In course of such conversations, links to different websites or to your own websites may be exchanged. Such link exchanges will contribute to the overall link building and will help increase back links to your website.
How does this affect SEO:
Active participation not only grows your community of users, but it also known to help in the process of link building. This helps to increase exposure to your website and this can boost the visibility of your blog in search engines.
Tip # 26 – Consider Guest Blogging & accepting them on your blog
“What is Guest Blogging?”. I thought that must have popped up in your mind (if you didn’t know it already). In simple words, guest blogging is nothing but inviting others to post articles on your website or the vice-versa. This means even you could blog on some others websites.
Why invite others to blog on your website? Well, that helps increase the usefulness of your blog. If a different author is sharing his/her knowledge by posting an article, that will help your blog as your users will like it as they get more variety and more info and thus more value out of your blog. At the same time, the guest author will receive a link back to his own blog/website and that will improve his visibility in search engines.
Similarly, when you guest blog on someone else’s blog, their blog users will get more variety and you will get recognition and link back. It’s a win-win situation for both yourself and the guest blogger. So there you go with an unknown SEO Tip for blogger.
How does this affect SEO:
This can help increase recognition among people and will help boost visibility in search engines because of the link building involved in it.
Tip # 27 – Consider other Search Engines
There is no question that Google is the undisputed leader when it comes to internet search. So far we have talked about optimizing our blog with Google in mind. But if your target audience’s native language is not English, then you might want to optimize your website for search engines such as Ask, Bing, Overture, etc. This tip is one of the unknown and now that you know it, make sure you put into practice, if it applies to you.
How does this affect SEO:
This can help increase the visibility of your website in search engines other than Google and will help increase your band awareness among non-English speaking users.
Tip # 28 – Be one among your audience
One another excellent way to increase SEO for your blog is to take part in active communities related to your niche. These communities can include, but not limited to forums, established websites, established blogs, etc. When you are active in the community, you get brand recognition and also link backs, whenever a link back to you is posted.
How does this affect SEO:
When you start replying to other’s problem and participate in related discussions in your niche, you have the possibilities of either giving out links on your own or receive linkback from others. This will help build back links and will add to the overall link building strategy. This will help rank your website higher in search engines.
Tip # 29 – Team up
This is an unknown and Valuable Tip for bloggers. If you are willing to, you can team up with other websites in your niche that cover topics that you don’t. For example, let’s assume that you deal with insurance and specifically “health insurance”. Now say you have a friend “A” who runs a blog called “a.com” and blogs about “dental insurance”. As you both cover topics of insurance, you can team up and share link backs to each other. So every two weeks or every four weeks, whenever you publish an article, you can add a link back to the other website asking your users to check out information on “dental insurance”. Your friend can do the same with the only exception that he will post a link back to you and will ask his users to check out your blog for “health insurance”. This way, both of you can build back links.
How does this affect SEO:
This method can very easily and safely build backlinks, both to your site & to your partner site. Because both the blogs are related, that will help sustain the relative values of the blogs and at the same time, improve user base for each of the blogs.
Tip # 30 – Treat your Visitors like Customers, not like Visitors
My last SEO Optimization Tip for a blogger may sound strange, but it is true! You might be wondering how that is possible and why one should do that. Well, if you think about it from my perspective, you will see the reason why. I feel that every visitor could be a potential customer, but it’s usually not the other way round ( at least as far as my experience is concerned ). So when a visitor lands on your blog, finds value in what you have to offer, they are more likely to consider your services, if you are offering any. This will be for your advantage.
At the same time, I don’t see a difference in a visitor and a customer. Both are equal to me. I personally try to provide high quality information to both of them, regardless of whether someone is a visitor or chooses to be a customer. My goal is to provide quality information to all my users, whether they are just visitors or a customer. And I will strive to do the same. If someone chooses to become a customer, they are more than welcome. If not, I do appreciate them for being a visitor. Either ways, I am thankful to both kind of users, regardless of the role they play.
So the only difference between a visitor and customer IMO, is that a customer is directly hiring me for my services, whereas a visitor isn’t doing so. That’s the only difference for me, if at all I have to mention a difference.
So that’s my attitude and my way of life. If you think it makes sense, you can try to follow it and see how it works out for you.
How does this affect SEO:
Well, that was not an SEO tip actually. It was more of my personal approach towards my services to my users and customers. I hope you like it 🙂
I hope you will be able to personally put the above Tips into practice to improve ranking for your blog in search engines.
Your Turn!
Do you know of any other SEO Blogging Tips for a blogger that can add value to SEO? Do you have any other blogging tips in general? Feel free to share by commenting below.